The Rotary Club of Nairobi-Langata (RCL) has been implementing computer labs in underserved public schools through its Digital Literacy Program for Schools (DLP).
The scope of the project includes refurbishing and enhancing security in a preexisting structure (classroom), procuring computers, installing a management system, and learning content, training teachers, and providing technical support to ensure long-term sustainability.
The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the global movement towards digitization however many young people in rural communities and in vulnerable, underserved areas of Africa were being left behind in the drive towards digitization, due to the high cost of internet access, the lack of consistent electricity supply and a lack of infrastructure that would support digital learning. As a result, students were growing up unprepared for the digital future that awaited them.
RCL conceptualized their flagship project and dubbed it Digital Literacy Program for Schools (DLP). The objective of this project was to improve access to digital literacy for the rural poor children and close the digital divide while providing them with skills to make them able to work, learn and compete in an increasingly digital world.
The short-term goal was to provide digital literacy and access to 5,000 students and 100 teachers between 2022-2024 while the long-term goal is to help students become competitive in the global digital economy.
(1) Seven (7) laboratories implemented across Kenya - Four of which were funded by Two Global Grants, one of which has been successfully closed and the second is under final report review by RI.
(2) Thirty-Five (35) teachers trained as part of project implementation.
(3) Sixty (60) teachers trained through peer tutoring by the teachers trained during the implementation stage.
(4) Four Thousand Nine Hundred (4,900) Students provided with digital literacy and access to computers.
(5) Students are now able to visualize geographical and biological phenomena they could only read about.
(6) Average School Grade Performance has increased by a minimum of ten (10) points for the schools who have undergone the national examination cycle as well as internal school examinations since implementation.
RCL has seen improved student performance, increased teacher competency, and enhanced school administration through digital tools.
The schools targeted in this global grant project are located in under-served communities and have a challenge in delivery of ICT learning content efficiently to all learners in the school because of the large number of students and varying age groups.
In addition, the targeted communities have competing priorities for limited resources and cannot afford access to computers and internet connectivity in their homes.
(1) Lack of dedicated space / digital labs where digital learning can happen.
(2) Teachers are inadequately trained in use of computers and delivery of digital education
(3) Current machines delivered by donors including the Kenyan government are poorly maintained and prone to failure, and the few working machines are outdated.
(4) They lack access to digital learning content which is prohibitively expensive for rural schools.
(1) Equip targeted schools with twenty-five desktop computers each and supporting equipment, printers, projectors and UPS to enhance digital learning experiences.
(2) Provide enriched learning resources and content for use in teaching students, resulting in improved academic
(3) Enhance teachers' capacity to effectively integrate digital tools into their teaching methods.
The computers will be fitted with government approved education curriculum which the school is expected to implement. The educational program includes five packages each for Grade 1-6.
Five (5) teachers per school will be trained on computer literacy and content delivery with the expectation that they will then pass on this knowledge to the rest of the teachers in the school through peer tutoring to effectively use the computer labs for class content delivery.
Every project involves community participation, leveraging alumni and parental support, and regular training to ensure the continued operation and maintenance of the labs. Continuous monitoring and evaluation to assess the impact, including academic performance and digital literacy gains.
The members of RCL(HOST CLUB) manage the operative part of the project by contributing their time, skills and expertise in the following ways:
• Managing the project and scheduling activities and expenses
• Oversight of the activities of the Cooperating Organization
• Publicizing the project to local media and to the District
• Providing technical expertise
• Liaison with government agencies where applicable
• Assisting in the design of the project
• Development of policies and procedures related to the project
• Evaluation of personnel used by the Cooperating Organization
• Monitoring of installed systems and their usage.
. Oversee receipt of funds along with overall management and reporting of progress to relevant agencies.
Our average turnaround time from project groundbreaking to handover has been Six (6) weeks per lab, and this has been made possible largely because of our committed membership especially in the build and construction vocations who freely give of their time and expertise. With adequate funding, all the five schools can be implemented concurrently as each school has a designated Project Lead whose mandate is to shepherd and supervise the project until completion and handover.
During the Rotary years 2024/25 and 2025/26, we intend to implement ten (10) computer laboratories across the country at an average cost of USD 35,000 per laboratory.
Our intention is to continue the work that was started in 2022 when we launched our first Computer Lab - To contribute to the reduction of acute ICT infrastructure and skills shortages currently facing public schools therefore enhancing the ability of their students to compete in the global economy.
For RCL to replicate the gains we have seen so far, we are seeking financial support / partners for Global Grants OR Club to Club grants for an initial five (5) Schools from Rotary Clubs who are enthusiastic about supporting projects in the area of focus of Basic Education and Literacy.
DRAFT GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION NO: GG2466018 - Attached on the Documents Tab