Improved Technology for Management of Human Waste in Kikubamutwe Slum of Kampala
The project will address the need for an improved human waste management system in Kikubamutwe Slum by constructing 15 two-stance bio-fill digester toilets.
The main objectives of the project are:
(i) To improve toilet waste management.
(ii) To empower the residents through a social and behaviour change program that will lead to sustained improvement in the community's water, sanitation and hygiene conditions.
The project will replace inadequately constructed high-volume latrines with bio-fil digester toilet systems for effective faecal treatment and prevention of water source contamination. Bio-fil digesters entail a simple and compact on-site organic waste treatment system. The system combines the benefits of flush toilets and composting toilets while eliminating the individual drawbacks of each system.
Residents of Kikubamutwe Slum live in an inhospitable environment under conditions that expose them to sanitation-induced and water-borne diseases due to unhygienic management of human waste. There are high incidences of open defecation and disposal of toilet waste into drainage channels, which lead to contamination of water sources and the spread of diseases. Due to the congestion and unplanned housing in the area, sewage emptying trucks are ineffective as they cannot access the toilets because of the narrow roads and paths that connect the households in the slum. Moreover, sewage emptying services are irregular and neither cost-effective nor affordable for most households. Given the population density in Kikubamutwe, the existing toilets fill up much faster than they can be emptied and there are not enough of them to meet the needs of the residents.
The project will benefit approximately 4,500 residents of Kikubamutwe, who will gain access to improved sanitation facilities, safe water, and increased knowledge of good WASH practices.