
Ngamwa Primary School WaSH





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Kenya

Location: Ngamwa

Total Budget: $158,100

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene




This project's primary focus is on Water Sanitation and Hygiene. The project has two components-

1- Drilling a bore hole which will provide water to the local primary school and community

2- Building latrines at the school and providing a WASH program to the students. The proposal is to build 30 latrines.

Ngwama Primary school currently has ~300 students enrolled, it is anticipated that enrollment will increase significantly with the improved facilities. The school could increase to a capacity of nearer 1,000 students. Currently there are 6 latrines on site that are dilapidated and nearly unusable. The new latrines will include 18 for girls and 12 for boys.

Included in the bore hole project will be 2 water kiosks, one at the school and one in the nearby community. Water will be available for purchase at the kiosks, proceeds from selling this water will be used to maintain the project. Currently the school and community have no reliable access to clean water. A rainwater harvesting system failed due to lack of rain. A hydrogeological Survey has been completed with the conclusion that there is a good outlook for a successful bore hole.

This project follows Area of Focus guidelines by providing equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, improving access to sanitation and waste management facilities for hundreds of school children and improving community hygiene knowledge. The community will be involved in the project through the school Board of Management which has representatives from the community as members. Managing the water kiosks will strengthen the communities capacity to develop, finance, manage and maintain sustainable water and sanitation services.




The Community Assessment has been conducted through several community meetings, the full report is in process of being finalized. A number of in person meetings have been held by Rotarians with the school Board of Management, teachers, pupils, non-teaching staff, parents, the local chief, village elders, religious leaders, the health facility management, and youth. The community identified the provision of clean, reliable water to Ngamwa Primary school as critical to improving pupils performance, retention and transition to High school. The community is also supportive of a WaSH program to improve students' health and well being.

The inception of this project was in September 2022 when Rotarian Rachel Kungu, Ngong Hills RC organized a book drive for the Ngwama school. While there for the book drive the group discovered they could not access clean drinking water on a very hot day. The group discovered the only source of water was from a well 2km away or seasonal tap water from a county, which most times the taps are dry. This applies to the surrounding community as was later learnt.

While meeting with the school board during this book drive the board articulated that most of the time children and parents spend a great deal of time looking for water. This has led to poor performance in school for many students. It was also mentioned that the water from the well sometimes is not accessible because it is in someone's farm.

The school does not have hand washing stations since water is not available.

This initial interaction in September 2022 led to the conception of this project and further community meetings. Listed are contacts between Rotarians and the community to date, with a brief summary of each. Details will be provided in the Community Assessment.

Pupils mentorship/motivation held in October 2022

In the month of November students in Kenya sit for their final national exam. Rotarians visited the school and did mentorship and motivation prior to the exams to encourage the students.

Youth meeting Held in June 2023

The youth meeting came up as a result of follow-up meetings with the school board. The aim was to ensure that the young people out of school are aware of the possible projects coming to the community and also learn about the youth issues in the area.

Board meeting held in July 2023

When Rotarians were informed of a possible partnership with an international club, they visited the school to meet with the Board of Management. The community was asked if they would contribute finances to carry out a hydrogeological survey for water to support the global grant proposal. They agreed and they called a parents meeting to share the idea. We shared the budget estimates. As a result the school community has since funded the survey with added help from well wishers, this was an investment of ~ $450 USD.

Hydrogeologist visit in October 2023 Study funded by the community, re-emphasised the commitment by the BOM to this project.

March 2024

Rotarians met with community members outside the school community. This included the area Chief and Village representatives who are representatives of the National Government. They reiterated the need for available, affordable water in the area and pledged to cooperate and facilitate where possible. Again the BOM did show commitment by all turning up.

The benefitted community will include the Ngamwa Primary School students (approximately 300 at this time) and the surrounding community of nearly 2,000 residents. The project will be on school grounds, allowing the students access to water for hand washing and flushing of toilets. The school will implement a WASH club, teaching hygiene practices which should lead to better health for the children. In addition, the bore hole will supply two water kiosks to the community to purchase water, which will provide income to the school to help maintain the bore hole.




The objective of the project is to provide a water source to the school and local community and adequate sanitation facilities to the schools students. Through the introduction of sanitation practices the health of the student body should improve. Waterborne illnesses are expected to drop. Time spent fetching water will be used for studying, and for adults participating in other economic activities. Women and girls are the ones primarily fetching water, their time will be freed up for other activities.

Measuring the improvements at the school will include: The number of students enrolled, which is expected to grow. Gathering data on the number of students trained in WASH and participating in the school WaSH club. Local Rotarians will be asked to do site visits during the first 1-2 years of the program to evaluate the implementation. District 9212 requires that the local Rotary clubs visit the site at least twice a year and submit bi-monthly reports on the project during implementation and the first year.

Measuring the equitable community access to safe water in the community will be done by reviewing Grant records and reports indicating the amount of water being purchased, number of transactions.

The Board of Management who will be managing the project will be expected to submit reports during the first year of the grant specifying the money raised with expenditures on project maintenance. Showing bank statements with this information will be expected, as well as a plan for maintenance, upkeep and the expenses related to this.

In addition a representative from the sponsoring club in D5100 will visit the site in the first year to evaluate the project.




The community, the county government and local administration have shown great interest in the project. They have desire and potential to take care of and embrace methods that will ensure maximum impact and sustainability following the project handover. The School has a vibrant management committee BoM, part of the grant will be to have Rotarians train them in the financial and operational methods of the project. The funds from selling the water at the kiosks will be used to maintain the system. It will be specified in the application who will be responsible for managing the funds, whether a subcommittee to do this is formed will be determined as the grant proposal is finalized. The pump will be run on solar power so there will be no cost for electricity. All funds raised will be utilized to maintain the equipment and to replace project components over time as needed.

The community has already shown investment in this project by paying for the hydrogeological study completed in fall 2023. In addition the sponsoring Kenyan clubs are making efforts to start a Rotary Community Corps group in the local area and a Rotaract Club in the area who will be involved.




Primary Host Partner

District: 9212

Rotary Club of: Milimani

Primary Contact: Joshua Okeyo

Email: joshuaokeyo98@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 5100

Rotary Club of: Portland Pearl

Primary Contact: Dawn Schneider

Email: dawnschneiderpdx@gmail.com

Project Status

Your project is "Fully Pledged". This means the amount of the pledges is equal to the total budget of the project. Now the project needs to be finalized and go through the approval process with The Rotary Foundation. This process gets started on the administration page.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Portland Pearl (5100)





Lake Oswego (5100)





Seaside (5100)





Central East Portland (5100)





Salem (5100)





Hood River (5100)





Monticello (5950)





Portland (5100)





Global Passport (6330) (6330)





West Salem (5100)





Newberg Early Birds (5100)





Greater Clark County (Vancouver) (5100)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

6Q - Ngamwa School WaSH


Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $2,500 by Ron Herring of the Rotary Club of Lake Oswego, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $3,500 by Shaun Wagner of the Rotary Club of Seaside, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $2,000 by Jim Walker of the Rotary Club of Central East Portland, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $2,000 by Howard Baumann of the Rotary Club of Salem, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1,800 by Michael Margotta of the Rotary Club of Hood River, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,000 DDF by Steve Johnson of the Rotary Club of Monticello, District 5950.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $2,500 by Deniel Banks of the Rotary Club of Portland, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1 by Adam Steckel of the Rotary Club of Portland Pearl, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1 by Adam Steckel of the Rotary Club of Portland Pearl, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1,500 with $1,500 DDF by Jim Sillers of the Rotary Club of Global Passport (6330), District 6330.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $300 by Patti Rogers of the Rotary Club of West Salem, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 by Amy Ouellette of the Rotary Club of Newberg Early Birds, District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 by Dennis Wickham of the Rotary Club of Greater Clark County (Vancouver), District 5100.


by Adam Steckel

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".

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