Notification Emails
You may receive emails similar to the one displayed on the right. These are informational emails and are intended to either convey a project status change, or to prompt you to provide a project status upddate.
The email may prompt you or others on the distribution list to take some specific action. If nothing is done the emails will continue to be sent by the system, usually twice a month. If you believe you get too many emails, this web page is meant to explain what you can do about it, but no matter what, please do not report the emails as spam. This will not solve the problem, it will actually cause serious problems to others. It would cause our email server to be on spam block lists, and other users would not be able to receive emails they actually need to receive, like password retrieval emails, or project signature emails. Other users would also believe that you receive these notification emails when they are actually blocked, and they might expect you to do something when you don't know you have to do something. So please read this page and see how these situations can be resolved.
Why am I receiving emails about a project?
There can be multiple reasons you are included in the distribution list for notification emails on a specific project:
- You may be the person who created the project, or one of the primary project partners.
- You may have pledged financial support to the project.
- You may have a role in your club or district that triggers automatic addition of your email to the list.
- You may have been manually added by another project partner.
Once you are on the distribution list for a project, you stay on it until you are actively removed. If you are a Club President and were added to a project as such, you stay on even after your year is over. The system assumes that you still have a vested interest in the project and you want to see it to completion. See question below to find out how you can be removed from a project.
What kind of email is the website sending?
You can get emails you requested, like password retrieval emails, or project signature emails. You will also receive notification emails when something significant happens for a project you are involved in, like a pledge, or change of status. This is to keep you informed. The third kind of email is a notification email to gently remind you or other project partners to do something about the project when the system detects that there is something wrong with the current project status. Most of the time it is because nothing has happened for a long period of time, and we don't want you to forget to update the project page and keep all the project partners updated on the project status. This is part of doing great communication with your projects.
I hear you, but someone else should be doing it, not me!
You may feel that way, but there is always something you can do. If you are a district leader or a project participant, but are not directly involved in the implementation, you should still be kept updated on the project status. If you get multiple reminders without getting a project update you can contact the main project partner and gently remind him/her that he/she needs to do something and update the project page to let everybody know what is going on with the project. Getting a personal email from you instead of the automatic emails from the website should really get things moving.
What if I REALLY don't want to be involved anymore?
If you really don't want to be involved in a project anymore, you can remove yourself from the distribution list. This is done on the "History Logs" tab of the administration page of the project, and the exact steps are described on the QuickTips page. There is a link to these instructions at the bottom of each email we send out.
NEW! Here is a new tool to tell which projects you have access to and why you have access to them.