The project is the updating of operating room equipment for an existing innovative Mobile Surgical Unit that has brought life changing surgical and medical care to remote communities across Ecuador for over 30 years. The Cupertino, California Rotary Club and the Tomebamba Rotary Club of Cuenca, Ecuador are partnering with Cinterandes, the nonprofit in Cuenca, Ecuador that runs the mobile operating room.
Volunteer surgeons work with local and foreign medical students providing healthcare in the community. Every year, the surgical missions change the lives for more than 350 vulnerable children, women and men.
The equipment ranges from 20 to 50 years old. Even though the equipment has arrived at the end of its operating life cycle, the Cinterandes team struggles to keep it functional so they can serve the most people.
By having new and updated equipment for the Mobile Surgical Unit, Cinterandes will be able to provide safer, more efficient and improved care to its patients. The new equipment will give its healthcare providers the tools needed to confidently deliver services with the highest standard of care.
The timeline for the project is to complete funding and submit for approval by April 30, 2025. Purchasing of equipment will begin in August 2025 and installation will be completed by August 2026.
The project funds will be used for purchasing equipment and also for training and maintenance contracts to ensure the equipment will continue to work for years to come.
Club members will be involved by partnering with the Tomebamba Rotary club of Cuenca, Ecuador. We will monitor the project, provide oversight and ensure that all funds are spent appropriately.