General objective. Attend and control in a timely manner the very serious events that occur due to traffic accidents in the municipalities of the area of influence that is composed of 10 municipalities.
Description. The volunteer fire department of Soata and the northern province of Boyacá, Colombia, does not have a vehicular extrication team (specialized tools used by emergency services, such as firefighters and rescue teams, to free people trapped in vehicles after an accident). For the rescue of people who are immersed in traffic accidents, which are frequent; especially because of the regular state of the roads and the topography of the department; which would facilitate the effective and efficient care of the firefighting units to possible patients thus immersed and minimize the risk of loss of life to be able to improve the rescue of people who are trapped in vehicular accidents.
PLEASE DESCRIBE WHAT NEEDS DID YOU IDENTIFY? HOW WILL THE PROJECT ADDRESS THESE NEEDS? WHO WILL BE A BENEFICIARY OF THIS PROJECT? AN ESTIMATED NUMBER OF BENEFICIARIES. That vehicular accidents have greatly increased in the sector with the technical and adequate assistance of the vehicular extrication equipment, which would be very beneficial for the population of 43,946 inhabitants of the area of Soata and its area of influence, which would be a floating population of approximately 60,000 minutes inhabitants in the area.
SUSTAINABILITY. The Rotary soata club and the fire department are committed to monitoring and maintaining the equipment in optimal conditions to provide the services that are required, the equipment will be in charge of the fire department headed by the municipal mayor's office, so the maintenance will be done directly by the mayor's office.