Project Description
Country: Botswana
Location: Ghanzi District
Total Budget:
Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene
The village, D'Kar, is an impoverished bushman township. The village sits on top of a shallow aquifer which can easily be contaminated by human waste. Currently there are no public
toilets in the area and thus there is a health risk from human excrement.
The object of the project is to build environmentally friendly toilets which will not
contaminate the aquifer. D'Kar village has a population of 2 800 people as recorded in the
2022 National Census.
Primary Host Partner
Primary International Partner
We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.
Project Status
Need $38,000
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.
Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.
The TRF Grant application number is #257392.