GENERAL OBJECTIVE : Increase the percentage of students from Colegio San Rafael who access university studies from an estimated 30% to 50% so that they reach a score of 270 on the knowledge tests (ICFES), which corresponds to the minimum score required to enter Uni. guajira.
Our project seeks to remedy the deficiencies in the training of students due to the lack of access to information technologies and a structured and consistent plan for preparing for Saber tests, so that they are more competitive in the training market and therefore in the labor market, promoting the reduction of the cycles of poverty and exclusion to which they have been exposed for decades. We seek to enable these young people to develop all their skills and to have equal access to higher education; we also seek to create synergies with different institutions in the private and government sectors to break these cycles of marginalization.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Provide computer equipment, software, desks, chairs, air conditioning, interactive whiteboards, giant screens and teaching materials. Also adapt 2 interactive classrooms so that the tablets and computers that the school currently has, in addition to the equipment provided in the project, have a permanent and controlled place of use so that the students of the San Rafael de Albania school can apply new information technologies in education more efficiently.
Implement a solid reinforcement program for the Knowledge Tests, integrating teachers, directors and external experts. We will optimize the use of the technological tools of the project to enhance this program.
It is planned to carry out training for the teachers in charge of the facilities and equipment, to strengthen their skills and knowledge and so that they can be competent both in the use of the equipment and the required programs.
NEEDS : Lack of access to office tools and facilities with access to information technologies. The students of the Institution do not have office automation educational resources in quantity and quality that help them to face their activities and academic obligations. Likewise, there is no structured program for preparing for Knowledge tests. The percentage of students from Colegio San Rafael who access Higher Education is less than 30%. Currently, the percentage of admission to the University is very low, in fact, many have to repeat the state tests to be able to obtain a place at the university and this is mainly due to the shortcomings in access to training through information technologies.
The minimum score for admission to the University of La Guajira is 270 and the weighted average of the students of Colegio San Rafael is 216.