
Empowering Adolescent Girls





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Asia

Country: Nepal

Location: Lamjung

Total Budget: $106,000

Areas of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene, Basic education and literacy

Project Proposal

Project Title:Empowering Adolescent Girls: Sanitary Pad Vending and Disposal System in Lamjung, Nepal

Background and Problem Statement:

In Nepal, adolescent girls from underprivileged families face significant challenges during their menstrual cycles. Despite the government's initiative to provide sanitary pads in public secondary schools, several issues persist:

Stigma and Hesitation: Many girls feel embarrassed to ask teachers for sanitary pads, leading to hesitancy in using them.

Improper Disposal: Used sanitary pads are often disposed of carelessly, resulting in environmental pollution and clogged school toilets.

Impact on Education: The lack of proper menstrual hygiene management affects girls' mental well-being, school attendance, and academic performance. Some girls are even forced to drop out of school.

In Lamjung District, there are approximately 100 secondary schools, with around 5,000 adolescent girls directly affected by these challenges. Specific surveys conducted in the region highlight that 60% of girls miss school during their menstrual cycles, and 20% are at risk of dropping out altogether. Addressing these issues is essential for their physical and mental well-being, as well as their educational and personal growth.

Project Objectives:

Provide automatic sanitary pad vending machines to 100 secondary schools in Lamjung.

Install sanitary pad disposal machines (incinerators) for proper waste management in these schools.

Conduct awareness programs for students, teachers, and parents on menstrual hygiene and the use of vending and disposal machines.

Improve girls' school attendance and reduce dropouts due to menstrual health challenges.

Promote environmentally friendly practices for sanitary pad disposal.

Proposed Activities:

1. Procurement and Distribution:

Purchase and distribute 100 sanitary pad vending machines and 100 sanitary pad disposal machines (incinerators) to secondary schools.

Ensure each machine is user-friendly, durable, and comes with necessary training manuals in both English and Nepali.

2. Awareness and Training:

Workshops: Conduct interactive workshops for students, teachers, and school management committees on menstrual hygiene and the importance of proper disposal practices.

Content: Sessions will include the biological and psychological aspects of menstruation, myths and taboos, and machine operation.

Inclusive Education: Boys and male teachers will be included to promote inclusivity and reduce stigma.

Staff Training: Train designated school staff on operating and maintaining the machines.

Community Engagement: Involve parents through Parents-Teachers Association meetings to build awareness and foster support.

3. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Establish a monitoring committee comprising Rotary members, school staff, and local government representatives.

Conduct quarterly visits to ensure proper usage and maintenance of machines.

Implement feedback mechanisms, including surveys for students and teachers, to measure the project's impact.

Budget Estimate:


Unit Cost (USD)


Total Cost (USD)

Sanitary Pad Vending Machines




Disposal Machines (Incinerators)




Awareness Workshops




Training Materials




Monitoring and Evaluation




Total Estimated Cost


Funding Strategy:

This project will be proposed under Rotary's Global Grant with contributions from:

Host Club: Rotary Club of Lamjung

International Sponsor: An International Rotary Partner Club

District Designated Funds (DDF): Contributions from Rotary districts

The Rotary Foundation (TRF): Matching contributions

Additionally, partnerships with local NGOs and private sector donors will be explored to supplement funding.

Sustainability Plan:

Collaborations: Work with local government bodies and schools to ensure long-term maintenance of the machines.

Community Involvement: Encourage active participation from parents and teachers' associations.

Integration into Curriculum: Collaborate with the Education Ministry to include menstrual hygiene education in the school curriculum.

Replenishment Mechanism: Develop a cost-sharing model where schools and local governments contribute to replenishing sanitary pads.

Student-Led Hygiene Clubs: Establish clubs to oversee machine maintenance and promote awareness among peers.


Improved Hygiene Practices: Enhanced menstrual hygiene practices among 5,000 adolescent girls in Lamjung.

Increased Attendance: Reduction in school absenteeism by at least 50% due to better menstrual health management.

Environmental Sustainability: Proper disposal of used sanitary pads, reducing waste and maintaining clean school premises.

Empowerment: Girls will gain confidence and dignity, contributing to their overall well-being and academic success.

Social Inclusion: Improved understanding and support from male students and teachers, reducing stigma.

Potential Challenges and Mitigation:

Cultural Resistance: Address through community-focused awareness campaigns.

Vandalism: Use durable, tamper-proof machines and engage Hygiene Clubs for oversight.

Machine Maintenance Issues: Train local staff and set up a helpline for technical support.


This project aims to create a lasting impact on the lives of adolescent girls in Lamjung by addressing critical menstrual hygiene challenges. By leveraging the resources and support of Rotary International and local stakeholders, we can empower these young girls with dignity, health, and opportunities for a brighter future.

Primary Host Partner

District: 3292

Rotary Club of: Lamjung

Primary Contact: Resham Ghimire Khatri

Email: rotaryclublamjung@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

Need $105,500
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Lamjung (3292)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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History Log Entries

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