
Eduser For Peace Phase Ii





History Logs

Project Description

Region: South America

Country: Colombia

Location: La Tebaida

Total Budget: $56,679

Area of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention

The school is conceived as a peace center for the community. It becomes a spiral-shaped peace radar that involves families, neighbors, youth, and the entire community.

This project is based on the assertion that peace is achieved through the integral development of the person, which includes inner peace and the individual's relationships with others.

"Eduser for Peace - Phase II" is a project aimed at raising awareness among young people about strengthening their virtues and moral and non-moral qualities, the search for their own well-being/peace, the development of conflict resolution skills, the improvement of the community's culture of peace in general towards a culture of affection and solidarity.

Peace is achieved primarily by educating the individual. To educate is to create awareness and deep knowledge about oneself. Peace and human well-being are achieved through integral development and must encompass all aspects of life.

Peace is achieved through growing awareness and through community members, individuals and students coming to understand the deep origins of human and/or community conflicts and, therefore, resolving them.

The project in its Phase II will be developed by implementing the following basic processes:

Direction time: Individual sessions between a tutor and a student: The young person finds for himself a path for his own development in a comprehensive and flourishing way

a. Cognitive time: Group sessions with the objective of awakening the young person's interest in the development of his own intelligence

b. Emotional time: It is about healing deep wounds and pains accompanied by a facilitator and in an environment of trust, to achieve greater peace and well-being

c. Peace circles with communities: Group meetings facilitated by a professional where community members can transform their experience of conflict and manage to listen to other people, and together they look for peaceful solutions for their community.

d. Sessions with parents: Group sessions, accompanied by a professional, dedicated to the peace of parents so that they can deepen their being.

Project Scope

In Phase II, the project aims to instill a feeling of hope in the hearts of young people and the community. The project will work with the same five state schools in Quindío that were worked with in Phase I. The project consists of expanding the implementation of human-centered education to all 9th and 10th grade levels of these institutions so that implementation is complete in these schools. Additionally, it will raise awareness among the directors of the life project for 11th grade students.

This methodology is being implemented in 4 educational institutions in La Tebaida and 1 in Pijao. Since 2018, in the Pedacito de Cielo school in La Tebaida by the NGO Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace. Other implementations in England and Indonesia. The project is conceived as a second Phase that will be expanded to other areas of the country by strengthening new alliances.

Allies and Cooperators:

The Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace is an international NGO based in Colombia since 2017. Together with the University of Wales it has a Research Center for Peace and Well-being. This center has an agreement with UNESCO (https://ghfp.institute/, https://ghfp.com.co/). In Colombia it has an agreement with the University of Quindío to develop a Research Center for Peace and Well-being. It is advancing with the University of Quindío a proposal to present to Minciencias a project based on Human-Centered Education for peace. Annexes: Letter of support from GHFP and letter of support from the Pedacito de Cielo Educational Institution, La Tebaida.


Needs identified in the community:

A. Needs for young people: Psycho-affective, self-esteem and affection, direction in life, intellectual development, spiritual growth and values, motivation, prevention.

B. Needs of teachers: They need space for their own growth.

C. Needs of families: They cover almost all aspects of human growth.

D. Needs of educational communities: They refer to the culture of peace of institutions, to the strengthening of the social fabric and to training.

E. Needs of the community: They have the need to revalue the family, they need social leaders, to strengthen all social services. The link of the evidence of the first surveys carried out is attached: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bupn3fJIJ38OEMwl-7qUndkAqdif1T0-?usp=sharing

How the project will address these needs:

The project will address these needs by providing in-depth support to the program's beneficiaries. That is, by supporting them in a holistic understanding of what well-being and peace mean through the basic processes described above.


La Tebaida and Pijao are the beneficiary municipalities of Phase II of the project. Communities in vulnerable situations, victims of different conflicts and violence. 5 state schools located in the department of Quindío will benefit. Direct beneficiaries: 525 young people from the schools, 73 teachers, 525 parents and 200 adjacent communities (40 per school) for a total of 1,323 direct beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries: 3,400 young people, 3,400 parents and 3,400 adjacent communities for a total of 10,200 indirect beneficiaries. Total direct and indirect beneficiaries: 11,523

SUSTAINABILITY: (explain how the project will continue to operate once the financial support you receive for this project ends)

It is the young people themselves, teachers, parents, the educational community and the surrounding community who will be multipliers of peace and people who have developed skills for conflict resolution. The program, by strengthening the culture of peace of the educational institutions involved, their communities and the surrounding community, makes the sustainability of the project possible.

We identified the following elements that contribute to the sustainability of this project:

a) The program has been implemented for 5 years at the Pedacito de Cielo Institution in La Tebaida Quindío. It won a departmental award and recognition in 2022. The institution offers its full support to the project.

b) The results of this implementation have been deeply successful (an appendix of qualitative and quantitative results of the implementation in 2023 is attached)

c) The sustainability of the project is guaranteed because it has a strong theoretical basis. It has 3 theoretical books published by international publishers which have been written by high-level international researchers. Annex link: https://ghfp.org/publications/

d) With the support of the municipality's delegation to the development plan's concertation table, the inclusion of human-centered education for peace in the development plan of the Municipality of La Tebaida is being advanced.

e) The research center for peace and human well-being that the NGO Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace is creating in alliance with the University of Quindío will probably include this methodology in its development.


We are proposing a center that includes the community in such a way that school and community make joint efforts, learn together, take advantage of their resources and strengthen peace.

The educational community, young people who are more aware of what peace means, parents who have created their own spaces to understand and deepen their own understanding of well-being/peace, as well as the entire adjacent community involved, will facilitate the continuity of the project.


At this time, it is necessary to redirect towards the search for quality in all aspects of human life. There are so many difficulties in communication and learning to resolve conflicts within families, at school, in the neighbourhood, that it is necessary to do this work now. Now that there is still time to do it. Before the already very delicate indices of social decomposition reach a point of no return.

Colombia needs to strengthen the peace process. We are convinced that the communities of La Tebaida and Pijao really need to achieve the Well-being that comes from Peace. This project with its methodological, theoretical and human bases will succeed in touching human hearts in a profound way, transforming them.

Primary Host Partner

District: 4281

Rotary Club of: Armenia International

Primary Contact: Maria Teresa Silva

Email: rossana_mariateresa@yahoo.es

Primary International Partner

District: 5300

Rotary Club of: Las Vegas WON

Primary Contact: Chehab Elawar

Email: shabdg201415@gmail.com

Project Status

Need $53,599
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Armenia International (4281)





Las Vegas WON (5300)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

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History Log Entries


by Chehab Elawar

System Entry: Pledge of $100 with $100 DDF by Chehab Elawar of the Rotary Club of Las Vegas WON, District 5300.

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