
Clip 4





History Logs

Project Description

Region: South-East Asia

Country: Cambodia

Location: Pursat

Total Budget: $120,000

Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy

The Cambodia Literacy Integrative Project (CLIP) is now it it's 4 iteration. Each year the Cooperating Organization (Tuk Tuk Charity) works with the local Education department to identify the next school to be included in the project as the representatives know the principals and teachers and select the ones that would be the best candidates.

General Information

Global Grant No. 2573213

Location: Pursat Province, Cambodia

Host Club: Rotary Club of Pursat

Lead Club: Rotary Club of Calgary Downtown

Co-Operating Organization: TukTuk Charity

Budget: USD 120,000

Champion: Manon Mitchell (manonyyc@gmail.com | 403 862-5452)

Aims and Objectives

This project aims to expand the reach of early childhood education resources in Cambodia by building on our existing digital platform for teachers. Leveraging the success of our previous projects (CLIP1, 2 and 3), we will empower head teachers to train their peers and broaden access to resources through Rermork.org website.

The project has three key components:

1. Enhance Rermork.org: We will further develop the free online platform (rermork.org) of resources, to include online training modules and allow teachers to upload and share their own resources. Monthly competitions will be promoted through our online teacher groups to encourage participation and innovation.

2. Train Head Teachers: We will work with one head teacher from each of Pursat's five districts, providing advanced training to enable them to share knowledge with other teachers. These teachers have already completed 2 years of training through our previous CLIP projects.

3. Launch a YouTube Educational Series: We will produce a "Play School" (Australian educational television show for children produced by the education department)-style show to demonstrate play-based learning using our free downloadable resources. This will show:

• Teachers how to incorporate play-based learning;

• Parents how to engage in their child's education from home;

• Children how to participate in culturally relevant, engaging educational content.

By leveraging our existing digital resources and trained educators, this project will reduce the future need for direct involvement, ensure sustainable growth and expand our reach. Teachers, parents, and children will benefit from greater access to quality resources, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The Rotary Club of Calgary in partnership with the Rotary Club of Pursat and the Co-Operating Organization Tuk Tuk Charity have been working on this project for nine years, steadily moving towards the goal of creating a sustainable platform for Cambodian teachers. With each project, our co-operating organization has gotten closer to empowering teachers to create, share, and maintain their own resources independently. This project represents a crucial step in that journey, where teachers take ownership of the platform with minimal involvement from us.

The ultimate aim is to reach a point where Tuk Tuk Charity's presence is no longer necessary, and the education community thrives on its own. We're excited to help make that vision a reality.


Major Expenditures Amount

Implement Teacher Trainings $ 4,556

Digital Expansion and Content Creation $26,952

Transportation for Project Field Visits $ 1,324

Project Staff cost $73,120

Project Management and Reporting $11,007

Contingency $ 3,041

TOTAL $120,000


Major Expenditures Status Amount

RC Calgary Downtown Lead Club Confirmed $15,000

District 5360 Support Club Contribution x 2 Potential $ 4,000

District 5360 DDF for Lead Club Potential $20,000

District 5360 DDF for Supporting Clubs Potential $10,000

TRF Matching of District 5360 DDF Potential $24,000

Other Club funds, DDF outside 5360 & TRF matching of DDF Potential $47,000

TOTAL $120,000

Any amount of money (Club or DDF) is greatly appreciated.

Maximize your club's contribution by approaching your District for District Designated Funds.

Primary Host Partner

District: 3350

Rotary Club of: Pursat

Primary Contact: Vicheka Youm

Email: vicheka@rotarypursat.com

Primary International Partner

District: 5360

Rotary Club of: Calgary

Primary Contact: Manon Mitchell

Email: manonyyc@gmail.com

Project Status

Need $47,000
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2573213.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Calgary (5360)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries

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