
Rural Poverty Alleviation





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Uganda

Location: Kanungu District

Total Budget: $199,500

Areas of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment, Community economic development

PROJECT TITLE: Rural Poverty alleviation, disease prevention and environment conservation by Interactors, Rotaractors and Rotary Community Corps.

Background information.

Kanungu District is located approximately 420 Kilometers, by road, Southwest of Kampala, Uganda. The nearest district from Kanungu is Rukungiri, located 26 Kilometers in the northeastern direction. Kanungu District is made up of two (2) counties; Kinkiizi West and Kinkiizi East, nine (9) sub-counties; Kihiihi, Kambuga, Kanyantorogo, Kayonza, Kirima, Mpungu, Nyamirama, Rugyeyo, and Rutenga, and two (2) Town councils: Kihiihi and Kanungu. The District has a population of 241,800 (Uganda Bareau Of Standards, 2011).

Kanungu a very remote rural and currently is the most difficult to reach District in Uganda due to the difficult terrain compounded by the recent destruction of a bridge on the main Road connecting with neighbouring Districts, and Commercial Centres. All major roads are murram and non-motorable especially during the rainy season.

The Rotary Club of Kihihi (RCK) , desires to undertake a phased community Project in all the 9 Subcounties; in an effort to address issues of environmental degradation, malaria and poverty. Implementation of the programme will be in three phases with each, comprising of 3 Subcounties. Phase I will cover the sub-counties of Kihihi, Kirima; and Kambuga. The project will target a total number 900 Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC),i.e. 300 OVC per phase; their guardians, local leaders, religious leaders, and members of the community. Four (4) Interact Clubs, 1 Rotaract Clubs and 4 Rotary Community Corps (RCCs); all of which were sponsored by RCK, will be actively involved in the entire process of the Project; especially the implementation phase.

The HIV/AIDS scourge in Uganda, currently at 6.4%, has resulted in deaths of many able-bodied men and women leaving behind child-headed families and a generation of vulnerable children, who hardly have any support to afford a somewhat comfortable life. Children have been left under the care of relatives, especially elderly grandparents that actually require care themselves, have little or no basic education, and have no major sources of income. Consequently, guardians are faced with the challenge of meeting basic needs which include feeding, clothing, sheltering, among others. As per reports by the Kanungu District Health Office, malaria is the leading cause of morbidity hence mortality in Children. Obviously OVC are worst affected.

The Rotary Club of Kihihi is determined to extend hope to these vulnerable children and help to narrow the gap between the existing biting situation and a happy fulfilling life for them. Guardians shall be sensitized about income generating tools/activities to fight poverty. Blankets and Mosquito nets shall be donated to 900 children, awareness and a culture for green environments shall be created, as well as planting trees, of which 50% will be fruit-trees.

In fact this Project is an extension of a joint venture that was successfully implemented by RCK in conjuction with the Rotaract Club of Ntinda, in Kanyantorogo Subcounty in the 2011-12 Rotary year. Involvement of Interactors plus RCCs; microcredit scheme, and increased logistical support for RCK, are the added components.

What needs have been identified?

• Large number of OVC especially due to the scourge of AIDS pandemic in Kanungu District.

• These OVC lack basic needs.

• High incidence of Malaria and malnutrition marked most among the OVC.

• Abject poverty especially affecting Guardians of OVCs.

• Environment degredation due to Kanungu district being overpopulated.

How are these needs currently being addressed with local resources and/or government agencies, NGOs, etc.?

• Currently there is no NGO with a programme that is specifically devouted to addressing OVC needs in Kanungu District.

• Services provided by Government are grossly inadequate.

Briefly summarize (250 words or less) the proposed activity including the needs served, the intended beneficiary, and the potential benefits to the community.

1.) VOCATIONALTRAINING TEAM (VTT): to plan and implement sensitization Seminars / Workshops on Project objectives focused on disease prevention with due emphasis on Malaria, and importance of a Green environment; for the target Communities, Interactors, Rotaractors, RCCs and Rotarians. Separate training on Microfinance shall be conducted for RCCs. The VTT should include Public Health, Environment Conservation and Microfinance Experts.

2.) PURCHASE OF TREE SEEDLINGS: appropriate for promoting green environment and

50% being Fruit trees suitable for Kanungu.

3.) PURCHASE OF MOSQUITO NETS: to be donated to OVC.

4.) PURCHASE OF BLANKETS: to be donated to OVC.

5.) PROVISION OF REVOLVING FUND: for microcredit loans to RCCs to enable them

implement income generating ventures.

6.) PURCHASE OF A PROJECT VEHICLE: being an essential logistical requirement for

effective Project supervision and monitoring by RCK given the poor roads in the

Kanungu District. A robust 4-Wheel Double Cabin Pickup mechanically able to withstand

the difficult terrain is most appropriate.

7.) PURCHASE OF LAPTOP, PRINTER AND INTERNET MODEM: for production of teaching

materials for sensitisation Seminars / Workshops, tools for Project monitoring and

evaluation hence reports; and communication especially with International Partners

and other Stakeholders.

8.) HIRE OF PROJECT OFFICE: essential for planning and co-ordination of Project activities.

9.) RECRUIT ACCOUNTS BOOK KEEPER: to ensure streamlined Project financial

transactions hence timely reporting.

List any cooperating organization(s) or educational institutions involved in the proposed project.

-Ministry of Education and sports and Kanungu District local Government Education department, is obliged to provide education to OVCs through the Universal Primary education programme.

Describe how the benefiting community will be involved in the activity (ies). Provide specific examples.

-The communities will participate in the Project sensitization and training Seminars/ Workshops.

- The target homes will provide land for establishing Seedbeds and thereafter planting trees.

- All members of target Community will actively participate in tree planting together with Interactors, Rotaractors, RCCs and Rotarians.

- The Community will own and care for the trees.

-The RCCs will independently manage the microcredit scheme.

- The guardians for OVC will ensure appropriate utilization of Mosquito Nets and blankets.

Has the benefiting community confirmed that it would like the activity (ies) to take place? Explain.

Yes; the benefiting communities have been visited and the members of RCK, and they not only welcomed, but contributed most of the Project activities listed above. This was reinforced by the Kanyantorogo Community who shared their experience.

Which Area(s) of Focus is the proposed activity aligned?

1. Disease prevention and treatment

2. Economic and community development

Describe how the activity (ies) will address the goal(s) of the area(s) of focus.

- Effective use of Mosquito Nets will prevent Malaria.

- Utilization of Blankets will minimize risks of respiratory tract and other infections.

- The micro-credit loans will empower the Community toward self-sustainance in the future.

- Elevated Social-economic status will result in corresponding reduction in the incidence of malnutrition.

What will be the immediate and long-term outcomes of the activity (ies)?


-Availability of Mosquito Nets and Blankets for OVC,

-Availability of Project Office with essential logistics for Project implementation.

- Knowledge hence awareness about malaria prevention, role of trees in environment

conservation, and effective management and utilization microcredit scheme.

-Availability of an Accounts Book Keeper.

-Increased logistical support for RCK.


-Prevention / control of Malaria and Respiratory tract infections.

-Increased household income hence corresponding elevated social-economic status of the target community.

-Environment conservation.

-The Rotary fraternity involved; and their Partners will benefit from the satisfaction of giving, and ''service above self.''

-Elevated Rotary visibility in Kanungu District.

3. Explain how all involved parties will act to ensure the sustainability of the activity (ies).

-The Local District Health department will adopt the malaria and respiratory disease prevention intervention measures for continuity.

-The community development Department will adopt measures and continue with community sensitisation.

- The trees planted will be owned by the Community and this will motivate them to care for them.

- Increased household income by the target community will empower them not only to replace worn out Mosquito nets and Blankets, but also start income generating ventures which will enable them expand the Project, and eventually transform it into an ongoing indefinate programme.

4. Proposed start date: March 2013

5. Proposed completion date: March 2014



4 Vocational Training Team Members @ 3,000 USD 12,000

2 Training Seminars @ USD 1,000 2,000

Purchase all tree seedlings ( RCK contribution) 2,500

Revolving microfinance loan fund for 4 RCCs @ 15,000USD 60,000

900 Blankets @4 USD 3,600

900 Mosquito Nets @ 3USD 2,700

Laptop 1,500

Printer / Scanner 300

Internet Modem 100

12 Month Salary for Accounts Book Keeper at 300 USD per month 3,600

1 year Office Rent at USD 100 per month 1,200

Purchase Double Carbin 4-Wheel Drive Pickup 75,000

Project Vehicle running & maintainance costs for 1 year 25,000

Contigency 10,000

TOTAL 199,500


a. DDF Amount in US$

b. Rotarian Cash Amount in US$ _____________

c. Additional Outside Funding in US$ __________

d. Requested TRF Match in US$ ______________

Primary Host Partner

District: 9211

Rotary Club of: Kihihi

Primary Contact: Bukwirwa Henry

Email: hbukwirwa@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

Need $199,500
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





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Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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