
Construction of a water system





History Logs

Project Description

Region: South America

Country: Peru

Location: Santa Cruz de la Tablada

Total Budget: $121,991

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene

The town of Santa Cruz de la Tablada is located in coastal Peru, in an area that does not have sources of surface water. Consequently, the greatest needs of the 172 families (587 inhabitants) are access to potable water and sanitation services. The lack of these services represents one of the main causes of diarrheal and parasitic infections, which affect mainly the younger population of boys and girls.

Currently, the population consumes water from the irrigation canal that passes through the lower part of the town. They bring the water to their homes and store it to be used on days when the canal does not carry water.

In the community of Santa Cruz de la Tablada, we intend to drill a well on community property and use a solar-powered pump to deliver the water to an elevated reservoir located above the community. A passive, gravity-fed system with valves will be used to distribute the purified water to 172 homes and 10 public places through a system of pipes. Each home will have its own access to clean water and a cement wash basin.

Members of the local water committee for Santa Cruz de la Tablada will be trained in the maintenance of the water system and organized so that the sustainability of the system will be secured for the future.

Another objective is to train the residents of San Felipito concerning personal hygiene and cleanliness, especially as it relates to the use of the provided clean water.

The project is being initiated by the Castlegar Rotary Club who will work with the Host club (Huacho Rotary Club), and the Cooperating Organization (Alas de Esperanza), which has extensive experience in the region developing water projects.

Timeline for project

Pre-Construction Activities: Community presentation of scope and time-line of project Registration of the beneficiaries of the water project Household visits by Social Worker to establish base-line conditions of families prior to initiation of project Specific WASH training sessions geared specifically to women General WASH training sessions geared to whole community Training session for Water Committee members on roles and responsibilities 1 month

Pre-construction Activities: Engineers from the Cooperating Organization will finalize plans for the location of the underground pipes and the distribution system. Training sessions for Water Committee to finalize Statutes and Regulations, Annual Operating Plan, and Family Fee structure. Community meeting to approve the Statues and Regulations, Annual Operating Plan and Family Fee structure 2 weeks

Construction Activities: Construction and drilling of the well occurs on Community property. Community members will begin the process of digging the 6 km of trenches needed for the piping system.Training sessions for Water Committee members on using Management Tools. Community training sessions on water and environment. Household visits by Social Worker to reinforce WASH messages and ensure commitment of individual families to WASH principles 2 months

Concurrent with the digging of trenches, construction of a supported reservoir will be completed. Community training sessions continue on Health Education. 1-2 months

Following the completion of the laying of 6 km of water pipe from the water reservoir to the community and the household pipe network, construction of household sinks will be completed 2 weeks

Connection of the piping to the chlorination system before distribution to the household sinks will be finalized 2 weeks

Post-Construction Activities: Workshop training on the operation and maintenance of water system to members of the Water Committee and Operators. Household visits by Social Worker to verify the results of the changes in behavior around hygiene and sanitation and the effects of using purified water. 6 months

Use of Project Funds

US$$ Total 121991

Supplies Water pipes/water tanks 77836

Personnel Engineer/laborer, drilling operations 35956

Project management Engineering costs/Planning/Supervision 1061

Training WASH training of community 1658

Travel Engineer/Social Worker 1533

Equipment Tools/Solar Panel 1225

Operations Transport of materials 2653

Signage Rotary Signage 458

Monitoring/evaluation Huacho Club Visits 265

Supplies Contingency 00

Involvement of Club members

Host club members will be responsible for multiple visits to the community to monitor and evaluate the progress of the water project. In addition, where feasible, they will help to deliver and reinforce WASH training in the community.

Primary Host Partner

District: 4465

Rotary Club of: Huacho

Primary Contact: José López Carreño

Email: jose-karlo@outlook.com.pe

Primary International Partner

District: 5080

Rotary Club of: Castlegar

Primary Contact: Dana Schmidt

Email: dschmidt1946@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Paid". This means the funds have been received and the project is being implemented.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2458271.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Castlegar (5080)





Columbia Valley Daybreak (Kennewick) (5080)





Kellogg (5080)





Montreal (7040)





Lewiston (5080)





Corona (5330)





District 5080 DDF





Coimbatore Elite (3201)





Castlegar Sunrise (5080)





Fort Collins (5440)





District 5080 DDF





Rossland (5080)





Trail (5080)





Fernie (5080)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $500 with $500 DDF by Jim Davis of the Rotary Club of Columbia Valley Daybreak (Kennewick), District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,000 DDF by Ron Mercado of the Rotary Club of Kellogg, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $60,996 by Jean Gagnon of the Rotary Club of Montreal, District 7040.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,000 DDF by Fred Fickenwirth of the Rotary Club of Lewiston, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $2,500 by Daniel Hake of the Rotary Club of Corona, District 5330.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $2,500 DDF by Dana Schmidt of the Rotary Club of Castlegar, District 5080.


by Dr. Deepana S N

System Entry: Pledge of $10 by Deepana S N of the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Elite, District 3201.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $1,500 with $1,500 DDF by Michael Balahura of the Rotary Club of Castlegar Sunrise, District 5080.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $5,781 by Robin Steele of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins, District 5440.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $5,782 DDF by Dana Schmidt of the Rotary Club of Castlegar, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $2,882 with $2,882 DDF by Tina Kenyon of the Rotary Club of Rossland, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $504 with $504 DDF by Lana Rodlie of the Rotary Club of Trail, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Pledge of $975 with $975 DDF by Cindy Pearson of the Rotary Club of Fernie, District 5080.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Application Sent to The Rotary Foundation through Member Access.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Application approved by The Rotary Foundation.


by Dana Schmidt

System Entry: Payment has been issued by The Rotary Foundation.

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