For the last 30 years Nepal has suffered post-war cultural hardships and negative peace. The ten-year armed conflict between the Communist party (Maoist) and government documented more than 17,000 people were killed, with 100,000 to 150,000 persons internally displaced and 15,300 persons disappeared and with 8,191 people maimed and disabled.
From 1996-2006: The ten year long armed conflict between the Communist party (Maoist) and government. 2006 The government sign a peace deal with the Maoists 'Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)', formally ending the decade-long insurgency. 2007- Parliament approves the abolition of monarchy as part of peace deal with Maoists, who agreed to rejoin government. 2006 - 2015- Interim government. 2015 parliament passes a landmark constitution, which defines Nepal as a secular country, despite calls to delay voting after more than 40 people were killed in protests. Till date there is no stable government.
Government and Maoist (communist) signed the peace agreement but in rural communities there is still invisible conflict between the family members of Maoist and other political parties who have been impacted by the war. Government or INGs/NGOs did not bother to conduct peace and reconciliation at the community level as a result there is still misunderstanding between people. Family members who were directly impacted by the war are not accepting the existence of each other's economic and cultural values.
Another issue that requires addressing is the inequalities of the caste system. This system alienates not only by the ranking of a person's caste but also between the financial success and assets within their own caste. There is also discrimination based on wealth and gender. Wealthy or socially connected persons have access to quality education, employment opportunities and vocational training. Those of lower socio- economic standing tend to place more emphasis on the education of males more so than females and less opportunities prevail for this sector. The lack of opportunities and social stigma to disabilities is another issue that needs addressing as all the above creates negative social peace and disharmony in communities.
To address the issues above and to implement change to make positive peace, this project will conduct integrated sustainable peace and reconciliation training, workshop and the vocational training in sewing and computer and reusable sanitary pad making. This will not only support social and cultural change but address the need for skilled manpower.
So, the main objectives of this project are to conduct a session of peace and forgiveness to maintain the positive peace along with vocational training center which provide the skill training in sewing, computer, reusable sanitary pad making for poor villagers to break the cycle of poverty and to create an environment for past enemies to accept the existence of each other by building peace and vocational training center in Phikkal Rural Municipality .