
Donor-bus For Peru (hemobus)





History Logs

Project Description

Region: South America

Country: Peru

Location: Lima

Total Budget: $149,819

Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment

Host Sponsor Rotary Club & District:

Club: Rotary Club de Lima

District: 4455

Primary Contact:

Name: Alberto Gustavo Silva Santisteban Larco

E-Mail: betci14@yahoo.es

Phone: +51 999196308

International Sponsor Rotary Club(s) & District:

Primary Contact:

Title: Promotion of Voluntary Blood Donation Culture through the Hemobus

Main contacts (local and international) of the project.

The project is led by the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors (APDS), an organization founded in 2014 with the aim of promoting the Culture of Voluntary Blood Donation of Peru, with the country being the last in the region with 5% of volunteer donors facing Colombia with 91%. In addition, State, Company, Civil Society, International Cooperation and Citizenship have been articulated to join joint efforts to increase voluntary donation rates in the country.

In this context, the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors has an agreement with OPS/OMS entity referred to at the international level for the promotion of culture of voluntary blood donation, and with EsSalud State entity that has a network of Blood Banks at the national level and has been managing the subscription of Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreements with the Pan American Health Organization (OPS), the Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA), with Companies, lead changes in the country. The Agreement is now being counted with Essalud and we hope to join others over the course of these first months.

Community Need:

In Peru, blood shortages are one of the leading causes of death in our country. According to the Pan American Health Organization (OPS), approximately 48,000 people die each year due to the low availability of blood units that hospitals in the country have.

According to recommendations from the World Health Organization (OMS), our country needs to collect 600,000 units of blood per year so that hospitals can treat all emergencies and medical care in the population in a timely and effective manner. However, according to official figures from the Ministry of Health, only 185,000 units of blood have been collected per year, resulting in a significant deficit of 70% equivalent to 415 thousand units, much lower than that recommended by OMS so that our health facilities can be self-sufficient.

There is also a high reliance on blood donations by replenishment than voluntarily. For this reason, of the 185,000 units collected nationally, 95% were replenished while 5% of the remaining donations were made through voluntary donations.

In addition, the Pan American Health Organization (OPS) recommends that in order to ensure that the blood collected is of quality, it must proceed voluntarily, since the factors that led the person to make the decision to donate were based on the solidarity and assistance to others, while the decision to donate by replacement is made under the factors of need and urgency, so there is a greater impact that the potential donor can lie or hide information about any disease that may have and that it can be infected to a healthy patient during the transfusion.

The low incidence of voluntary blood donations is mainly due to the use of the majority of the Peruvian population not having a "Culture of Donation", as it is not aware or informed about the importance of donating blood and its symbol as an act solidarity and altruisticness to save many lives. Moreover, the presence of the "Myths and Barriers of Donation". further limit a person's intention to donate, generating fear or disinterest.

In short, the combination of a high shortfall of blood units, a low percentage of voluntary donations and the lack of a "Donation Culture" by the population have created a critical problem that not only puts the life risk of people who currently need blood but also the Peruvian population in general in the face of future medical and/or emerge

How was this need assessed? (Refer to Community involvement to assess the need, surveys, publications, etc.)

Regional Comparative Analysis

• There are currently 57 countries in the world where the national blood supply comes from voluntary unpaid donations. In Latin America, 11 countries have achieved 100% voluntary blood donors, another 7 countries have made significant progress in recent years, while the rest is still far from reaching it.

• According to OPS and OMS in the study "Basic Indicators. Situation of the Americas 2018" at the regional level Peru is one of the countries with the lowest levels in terms of Voluntary Blood Donation.

• In Latin America and the Caribbean, voluntary donation accounts for less than half of all blood supplies. On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, the Pan American Health Organization (OPS) is urging countries to strengthen their voluntary and unpaid blood donation systems, the best way to guarantee universal access to a sufficient supply of safe blood for transfusions.

• OPS / OMS recommends that countries allocate the necessary infrastructure and resources to create and maintain integrated national services for blood donation; that ensure the quality and safety of blood and blood components in their systems; to strengthen distribution networks, so that blood and blood components are available at the time and place where they are needed; and provide high quality care to blood donors, among other measures.

Therefore, it is necessary to join forces between the private and public sector in order to move the indicators to positive from the culture change in citizenship regarding voluntary blood donation.

Analysis of Voluntary Donations in Peru

• In Peru, the Hemotherapy Centers and Blood Banks during 2018 managed to collect 382,586 units of blood throughout the country.

• According to our reality, about 624,748 units collected are needed, so there is a deficit of 242,162 units of blood.

• In 2018, the units collected reached 9.85% corresponding to voluntary blood donors, the rest come from 90.15% Replacement Donors.

In this sense, in our country, and within the framework of the data issued by PRONAHEBAS, it is necessary to have a greater number of voluntary blood donors that allow us to guarantee an adequate blood stock, in addition to the increase in transfusion safety, more even in emergencies where the demand for transfer increases

Articulation of the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors

In the framework of articulating efforts to add more organizations to the For You My Blood Movement through the Bus, the availability of companies has been evidenced, especially those in which some collaborator of the organization has been in need of resorting to request the Donation for Replacement given the unavailability of the Blood in the Blood Bank in which it was attended.

The project is expected to have a reach with at least 20 organizations with which alliances can be signed for the implementation of corporate social responsibility projects in favor of promoting a culture of voluntary blood donation in Peru.

Consequences of insufficient blood supply in Peru and lack of Voluntary Donation Culture

• The possibility of saving 3 to 4 lives is lost and as a result around 48,000 people die a year from which official registration is available, the uncounted ones that far exceed this amount

• Proliferation of blood traffic around hospitals

• Blood diseases such as anemia that cannot be treated due to lack of this liquid tissue.

• There is no contingency plan against natural disasters, Peru being high risk.

National Policies that promote the promotion of Voluntary Donation Culture as a country necessity.

• National Plan for the Promotion of Voluntary Blood Donation in Peru, 2018 - 2021.

For the fulfillment of the objectives set out in the National Plan, actions, activities and tasks aligned to the current regulatory framework and the guidelines of the MINSA Policy must be carried out, all this with the active participation of public and private institutions of the health sector at the level national, as well as other sectors involved in the promotion of a culture of voluntary blood donation and Civil Society.

• Peru Vision 2050 approved by National Agreement

The Center for Strategic Planning of Peru (CEPLAN) and the National Agreement of Peru approved the Vision Peru 2050, which seeks that "People reach their potential in equal opportunities without discrimination to enjoy a full life, having as one of their Universal Health axes.

This is aligned with State Policy No. 13 of the National Agreement referring to "Universal Access to Health Services and Social Security"; the same that seeks to promote health, promote healthy lifestyle habits, expand health services in the poorest areas, promote healthy motherhood, among others necessary to promote Safe and Sustainable Blood for the population at risk due to lack of supply of blood.

How many people in the community would benefit from the project?

If we do a simple mathematical exercise we conclude that the project will benefit 766,500 people and among them would save the death of the 48,000 people registered as deceased for lack of blood when they required it, how do we get to this result?

If we assume that with the Voluntary Blood Donation Campaigns we manage to reverse the current culture of donation and manage to collect the 475,000 units of blood that, according to the 600,000 that WHO asks us for, we have in deficit; that two units of blood help save a life; and that each patient has at least three direct relatives , --in the mountain of my country are sometimes more than 6 relatives- we have the following result:

• 415,000 (Bu) / 2 = 207,500 (Ps.) (2 Bu x patient)

• 207,500 (Ps) x 3 (R) = 622,500 (Pb)

• 48,000 (Ls) x 3 (R) = 144,000 (Pb)

Sum of beneficiaries: 622,500 (Pb.) + 144,000(P.B.) x 766,500 (Pb)

Legend: Bu = Blood Units

Ps = People served

R = Relatives

Pb = People benefiting

Ls = Lives Saved

Planned Activities to address the Need and how the project will be sustained long term:

• Eventos de sensibilización para promover la donación voluntaria de sangre

• Actividades de concientización para la donación voluntaria de Sangre

• Campañas de donación voluntaria de sangre

Which Area(s) of Focus do you see the above fits into clearly? (At least one Area of Focus):

• Disease prevention and treatment

• Maternal and child health

Identified Needs

the identified needs is: Change the donation culture in Peru through Awareness Campaigns; as well as collecting 415,000Units of Blood which is the annual donation deficit in Peru

Time Line for the Proyect: Two years

Use of Project Funds. They will be used to fully equip the bus for use in blood collecting campaigns, as well as to carry out awareness campaigns

Participation of partners of the RC of Lima. They will actively participate in blood collection and awareness campaigns to change the donation culture

Anticipated Project Financing:

US$ 144,819.00

Primary Host Partner

District: 4455

Rotary Club of: Lima

Primary Contact: Alberto Silva Santisteban Larco

Email: betci14@yahoo.es

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

This project has been "Dropped". Check the history log entries to see why it was dropped.

Project listed for the 2020-21 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Lima (4455)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

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History Log Entries


by Alberto Silva Santisteban Larco

System Entry: Creation of project page.


System Entry

System Entry: Project dropped per lack of response to the carry-over notification emails.

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