
Renovation of Dilapidated Clas





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Nigeria

Location: Nsukwa, Delta State, Nige

Total Budget: $42,450

Areas of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Basic education and literacy, Community economic development


When Rotarians visited the community in 2019, we saw firsthand, the suffering of the primary school pupil of Nsukwa community. Nsukwa is a community who are predominately farmers and the only primary school they have has been dilapidated for so many years, causing the pupils to learn under unsafe structures.

Some of the residents said they had written several letters to the government, drawing its attention to the deplorable state of facilities in the school but there had been no positive response. According to them, all the of the pupils who attend the school are indigent kids who are helpless to find an alternative, hence our resolve to seek partner from the rotary world to help kids and improve their learning conditions.

The facilities of a school impact overall learning process as well as the mental and physical growth of the students. These also affect the academic performance of the student to some extent. The physical and emotional health of students and teachers also depends on the facilities they are getting in school.

Description: The renovation of a dilapidated 4 students' classrooms block; provision of a 4room toilet facility, construction of water borehole with overhead tank water storage facility. The project would also provide student seats and desks; chairs and tables for teachers. The classrooms would also be furnished with modern writing material for effective teaching and learning. The project shall also provide Electricity generator for use as the need arises.

Objective: -

• To provide a conducive atmosphere to the pupils for learning.

• To promote proper hygienic practice for students and teachers alike.

• To provide access to clean portable drinking water.

• To introduce pupils to Rotary WASH project

• Ensure Healthier Citizens

Intended beneficiaries: - The pupils and teachers & the host community.

Location: -Nsukwa, Delta State, Nigeria.

Sustainability: -It shall be sustained by the Teachers, the Community Leaders and RCC

Duration: Four (4) Months

Rotarian Involvement: 25 Rotarian & 10 RCC memebrs will be involved in the areas of conceptualization, supervision, monitoring and evaluation and hands-on participation, engagement and publishing Rotary's accomplishment in the community.


Currency: United States Dollar/ Exchange Rate (N360/$1)

Total Cost: N15,282,351.97 ($42,450.98), details attached as BOQ

Area of Focus:

1. Basic Education & Literacy

2. Water and sanitation

3. Economic and community development

4. Disease prevention and treatment

Primary Host Partner

District: 9141

Rotary Club of: Asaba Metropolitan

Primary Contact: Patricia Ojebor

Email: patriciaojebor@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

This project has been "Dropped". Check the history log entries to see why it was dropped.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Asaba Metropolitan (9141)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents




Project Photos

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History Log Entries


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Project dropped per lack of response to the carry-over notification emails.

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