
Children w Disabilities





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: South Africa

Location: Newcastle. South Africa

Total Budget: $53,000

Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment

In 2019, Uhambo, the Rotary Club of Fort Collins and the Newcastle Club have received a RI grant to provide holistic clinical services and devices to children with mobility disabilities in Newcastle, South Africa, as well as build the local capacity of the community so they can meet the needs of their disabled population.

For Phase 2 in 2020, we propose to continue this project in the community that will improve the quality of life of children with disabilities, increase the skills of health care providers and community workers, increase the knowledge and skills of caregivers (family members and staff), decrease the stigma around disabilities, and create a network of support in the community -- all of which allows for the community to sustain supporting children with disabilities.

By the Fall of 2019, upon completion of several activities for the current grant, we will be able to further define what will be needed for Phase 2 but it will most likely include:

1. Conduct outreach clinical services

2. Recommendations and manufacturing of customized, appropriate devices for children in need

3. Train local clinical therapists from the Department of Health

4. Training caregivers

5. "Let's Talk" disability sensitization trainings

6. Empowerment of community for advocacy activities on behalf of children with disabilities

The Need

Children with disabilities and their parents and caregivers in rural areas of South Africa have limited access to the medical devices and services they need. Appropriate and comfortable seating is key to achieving independence and social inclusion. Without a proper wheelchair, individuals may develop secondary medical challenges such as pressure ulcers. In fact, this condition is one of the leading causes of death among paralyzed people in the developing world.

The World Health Organization states that as many as 80% of those who need wheelchairs live in low income and developing regions, such as Africa. Only a small percentage of those who need a wheelchair have one. Studies have shown that assistive technologies, such as wheelchairs, when fitting for the user and the user's environment, have a significant impact on the level of independence and participation which people with disabilities are able to achieve (WHO, 2011). They have been reported to reduce the need for formal support services (WHO, 2011) as well as reduce the time and physical burden for caregivers (Allen et al., 2006).

The use of mobility devices, in particular, creates opportunities for education and work, and contributes to improved health and quality of life (May-Teerink, 1999; Eide & Oderud, 2009; Shore, 2008). Wheelchairs, thus, provide children with disabilities with the opportunity to become participating members of society ("Guidelines on the provision of manual wheelchairs in less resourced settings", WHO 2008).

Other challenges in the disability sector in South Africa include: a shortage of experienced and specialized providers in rural areas, lack of funding by the government, and stigma or lack of understanding about the nature of disabilities. Through Uhambo's grassroots and holistic programs, some of the most vulnerable people in the world, children with disabilities, are served and these issues are addressed through the provision of appropriate devices and equipment, customized training and community development.

Our project will take place in Newcastle, South Africa including the main townships of Madadeni and Osizweni. This region has over 500,00 people, approximately 5,200 people have a mobility disability and 2,600 children have mobility disabilities. All children with mobility disabilities are classified as needing "specialized" wheelchair seating (because over time they grow and the chair needs to fit their condition and size).

Newcastle-Majuba Rotary Club members have experienced the needs of children in this community after they distributed more than 100 standard (not specialized) wheelchairs in the community in 2017. Therapists throughout Africa have not been trained to seat or fit children in specialized wheelchairs. In addition, there are currently no early childhood development centers available in the community for children with disabilities.

Primary Host Partner

District: 9370

Rotary Club of: Newcastle-Majuba

Primary Contact: Christo

Email: christo@brockmann.co.za

Primary International Partner

District: 5440

Rotary Club of: Fort Collins

Primary Contact: Robin Steele

Email: robinlynnsteele@msn.com

Project Status

This project is "Paid". This means the funds have been received and the project is being implemented.

Project listed for the 2021-22 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2117776.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Fort Collins (5440)





Fort Collins (5440)





Carlsbad (5340)





El Camino Real (Oceanside) (5340)





Newcastle-Majuba (9370)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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Project Photos

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History Log Entries


by Lucinda Kerschensteiner

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $250 by Donna Chapel of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins, District 5440.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 by Jim O'Meara of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, District 5340.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 with $5,000 DDF by Jim O'Meara of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, District 5340.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 with $5,000 DDF by Jim O'Meara of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, District 5340.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 with $5,000 DDF by Jim O'Meara of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, District 5340.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 with $5,000 DDF by Jim O'Meara of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, District 5340.


by Janice Kurth

$5000 of DDF from D5340 was approved today.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Michelle McGowan

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 with $5,000 DDF by Michelle McGowan of the Rotary Club of El Camino Real (Oceanside), District 5340.


by Michelle McGowan

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Jim O'Meara

Regarding TRF requirement for early request to utilize a Donor

Advisors Fund, a request for $7,000 was submitted on 10-23-21

to be applied to GG-2117776.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $2,000 by Christo of the Rotary Club of Newcastle-Majuba, District 9370.


by Lucinda Kerschensteiner

System Entry: Application Sent to The Rotary Foundation through Member Access.


by Jim O'Meara

G-2016 also Known as Global Grant-2117776 is in the process of being submitted. Prior delay was caused Pandemic issues.


by Jim O'Meara

Jim O'Meara posting. Fort Collins has been requested for information. I will be following up.


by Jim O'Meara

The grant has been approved by RI and all funds are ready to be transferred.

The only remaining issue is for the So. Africa club to provide the bank account information to RI and our club can transfer the funds we are holding (cash, DDF and DAF). The hold up is due to the SA club's recent switch to a new bank.


by Jim O'Meara

The grant has been approved by RI and all funds are ready to be transferred.


by Lucinda Kerschensteiner

System Entry: Application approved by The Rotary Foundation.


by Jim O'Meara

TRF has informed us that the GG has been approved with the transfer from the the DAF #717. It has been paid.


by Jim O'Meara

System Entry: Payment has been issued by The Rotary Foundation.


by Robin Steele

We are about to order the wheel chairs for this project when the funds are disbursed from the grant bank account in Newcastle. We have had various different delays on this project, but it is about to get started in earnest! We are hoping to plan a trip to the project in the spring.


by Robin Steele

Hi everyone. This project is alive and well. We had significant delays due to Covid and then some issues with the bank account not allowing us to pay the vendors and then the account being frozen. We are very close to being able to order the wheelchairs and then the project will hopefully move forward quickly. Members of the RC of Fort Collins plan to visit the project at some point and will post updates and photos. Thank you again to everyone who has supported this project! Robin D5440 International Service Chair.


by Lucinda Kerschensteiner

Robin and Lucinda of Uhambo and Rotary Club of Fort Collins just completed a site visit to this project in Newcastle, South Africa. Phase 1 of this project is now underway. A community training was conducted to create awareness about disabilities. Parents of children were invited to attend the training and then attend the community hospital where assessments were conducted of the children so the proper wheelchair can be prescribed. Training was also conducted for OTs at the hospital on wheelchair fitting so they are equipped to continue working with the children and their families as they receive services. We so enjoyed our time with the Newcastle Rotary Club and are grateful to Christo Brockmann for his hospitality and community connections to make this project successful1


by Lucinda Kerschensteiner

The Uhambo Foundation - Shonaquip project team continues to carry on its activities in Newcastle. They are in the process of manufacturing the devices and then fitting them properly to the recipients. The team will conduct a site visit to deliver the devices.

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