Recent studies show that approximately 62% of English-speaking parents read aloud regularly to their preschool-age children, but only 20% of Spanish-speaking parents read aloud regularly to their preschool-age children. Our club supports the nonprofit "Empowering Latino Futures" and they publish an easy-to-read bilingual magazine every month and distribute it free to libraries, schools, etc. across North County. They also host a bilingual Book & Family Festival every June at MiraCosta College, bringing in bilingual authors to meet and speak with the public face to face, bringing bilingual books for all ages and offering workshops to encourage literacy in both languages. Our club has supported this nonprofit and this book festival for several years. We have noticed that few school-age children and their parents attend. Therefore, we have committed to recruit more Spanish-speaking parents to attend and bring their young children to the festival in June. We will do this by printing bookmarks, posters, and other materials and deliver them to local schools who agree to promote attendance at the festival with the parents through the community liaisons. We will also pay for advertising in bilingual and Spanish-only publications that are accessible & free to the Hispanic communities (in taco shops). Advertising is expensive. So, the grant is to be used for printing (in color) and advertising to reach the Spanish speaking families. We plan to print in February & March and advertise in February, March & April. We plan to visit schools in April and May to deliver the materials. The Festival is in June.