3-Jun-24 |
by Randall Looper |
I need you to make a few changes. Your club's per capita is currently at $81.25 which only qualifies the club for $3,500 DDF. In order to qualify for the $5,000 you requested the per capita needs to be at or over $100 by June 30th.
Your 24 -25 club president needs to complete the qualification training which can be found at the following link.
Once we receive the answers we will send you the MOU which will need to be signed.
Can you upload a detailed budget of income and expenses to the documents area of the grant. Also in the description can you add more detail as to what the club members are going to do with the project.
3-Jun-24 |
by Aron Jackson |
System Entry: Creation of project page.
6-Jun-24 |
by Aron Jackson |
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
6-Jun-24 |
by Aron Jackson |
System Entry: Project signed by Aron Jackson.
20-Jul-24 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.
20-Jul-24 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
22-Jul-24 |
by Aron Jackson |
System Entry: Project signed by Aron Jackson.
30-Jul-24 |
by Randall Looper |
I still need the answers to the qualification questions and the MOU from your President before I can approve the grant. The questions can be found at this link. https://rotary5440.org/page/district-grant-qualifications
Let me know if you have any questions
6-Aug-24 |
by Randall Looper |
I apologize for the delay in paying your grant. For the first time we received more grant requests than DDF was available. We cannot request the DDF till the report balances. To make that happen we have decided to cut the DDF from every grant. Your DDF request of $5,000 will be reduced to $4,500.
If you have any questions please let me know.
25-Sep-24 |
by Randall Looper |
I still need the answers to the qualification questions and the MOU from you before I can approve the grant. The questions can be found at this link. https://rotary5440.org/page/district-grant-qualifications. If you need me to send you the MOU again please let me know
Let me know if you have any questions
4-Dec-24 |
by Randall Looper |
I know you were working on getting me the qualification answers and the signed MOU but as of today I still haven't seen either one. Do you think at this point the club still wants to do the grant? It has been since June so I'm going to need to set a deadline of December 31 2024. I will need to delete the grant request if I have not received the MOU and qualification answers by that date.
If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.
24-Jan-25 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
24-Jan-25 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.