In keeping with its mission to enrich the lives of seniors in the Casper area, Casper-Reveille wishes to continue with our Benches for Seniors program. We will install 5 benches at various sites in the community. Sites will be determined after discussion by club members.
One site in particular will be the completion of installing an additional bench at Yesness Pond as referenced in our previous Benches for Seniors grant P-4196 from the 22-23 district grant year. Our club members believe that installing at least one additional bench would be appropriate at Yesness Pond.
The cost of benches and materials has increased over the years. We have reflected a 5% increase in our budget for this project. Club members will assemble benches, pour the concrete pads, and install the benches. We will work with the local agencies that administer the chosen locations. Our expected completion of the project is 2025.
Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)
Received and reviewed an updated quote for the cost of 5 benches. I have downloaded the pdf file of the quote. When submitting the grant we anticipated a 5% cost increase for the benches. However, the cost of the benches is actually $1175.00/bench which totals $5875/5 benches. Shipping cost is $593.42. Total for the benches and shipping is $6468.42. The materials and labor costs remain as projected in the original submission.