Summary: Provide dictionaries for third grade students in the Chandler Unified School District
This project is a repeat of the very successful dictionary project that we have done for many years. We provide dictionaries to 3rd grade students throughout the Chandler Unified School District. This project gets Rotarians involved in the schools with the Principals, teachers and students. Typically about 40 Rotary members participate and make presentations at the schools to the students in a 3rd grade assembly. There is a script that we use that introduces the students to the dictionary and it is an ongoing tool for the teachers to use throughout the school year. Unfortunately for some of the students it is the first book that anyone has given them. In the past CUSD and a couple of other Rotary Clubs have helped with the funding of this project. Currently unsure of the exact total dollar amount that will be spent on this project this year but the best estimate is that it will cost around $12,500. District school staff will contribute time and make an area available for preparation of the dictionaries prior to delivery. The school district will also contribute limited funds. The project will documented with photos and this information will be disseminated to local media by the Sun Lakes Rotary public information designee.
This project is "Paid". This means that the funds from the district have been issued. This project is now being ready for implementation. When this is done, a report needs to be uploaded on the project page and the "Reported" button needs to be clicked, then the status of the project will be changed to "Reported".
System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Tom Mclarty added to the list of signatories.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Project signed by Tom Mclarty.
by Chuck Snyder
System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Tom McLarty added to the list of signatories.
by Chuck Snyder
System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Tom McLarty added to the list of signatories.
by Tom McLarty
Congratulations! This project has been approved for full funding. We are not certain when the money will hit your account, but our best guess is a month or so. The district has approved the project now Rotary International will review and approve. We’ll send you an update when we have one. Please also remember that you may not spend money prior to TRF approval and reimburse yourself from grant funds. If there have been changes in your bank account (information for electronic transfer), please get that to Lucinda General (District Treasurer) as soon as possible. Your report is due April 30, 2025, and receipts are required to complete the report (not invoices, cancelled checks, UPS shipping labels, or any other documents). Thank you for creating hope in the world.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.