
Holiday Meals/Christmas Basket





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Fort Collins, CO

Total Budget: $3,500

Areas of Focus: Maternal and child health, Community economic development

Activity Type: Community Development: General

Summary: Our Christmas Basket program provides food for meals to families in need during the Christmas Holiday Season. We would like to serve 80 families this year.

Our Christmas Basket program reaches out to partnering agencies such as Neighbor to Neighbor, Catholic Charities, United Way, Project Self-Sufficiency and others, to identify well deserving families who are in need of food during this season. We work with the Larimer County Food Bank to see what they have for us to distribute as well. This year we would like to serve 80 families. This is the as many baskets delivered in 2023, and we anticipate with inflation and high cost of food, families needs remain constant.

To fund this annual event we ask for donations from our club, and donations from our local grocery store in the form of fabric grocery bags. Below is a list of what we include in the Christmas Baskets. Each year the basket varies based on the availability from the food bank, whatever we don't get from the food bank we purchase at a local grocery store.

Items include:

-Fabric reusable grocery bags with handles (4 of them) to carry food


-Bag of Potatoes

-Bag of Flour

-Bag of Sugar

-(2) gallons of milk

-(4) cans of vegetables



-(2) loafs of bread

-Dozen Eggs

-Gravy packets

-(2) cans of peaches

-apple juice

-peanut butter


During the weeks prior to the Basket Delivery date, we have volunteers that help with logistics and planning. There is a prep day in which we compile all the groceries for transport, and then distribution. The food is delivered to the families in need by our Rotarians and their families. The distribution of the meals usually takes less than 2 hours per volunteer, typically the Saturday before Christmas.

Prep Day:

The day prior to the distribution, all the food is picked up from the food bank and grocery store. We meet at a local business where we have space for putting together the food baskets for distribution. We usually have 4 to 5 volunteers to get all the food compiled together into each of the baskets (grocery bag) in a couple of hours.

Distribution Day:

Our club distributes the Christmas Baskets the weekend prior to Christmas. We usually have our delivery volunteers meet at the business where the baskets are put together. Each delivery volunteer will get an address/map for their basket delivery, usually 2 to

3 baskets per volunteer. The entire distribution is done within a few hours, with the Christmas meal delivered to the recipient's front door. Our club members and families look forward to participating in this great project for our community each year. The charities we work with have repeatedly told us that without this program, many families will not have a meal for the holiday, and this reminds them that the community has their back. The families look forward to this for the holiday.

Project Contact Person

District: 5440

Rotary Club of: Fort Collins (Foothills)

Primary Contact: Lisa Dunne

Email: lisadunne5050@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Reported". This means that a report has been forwarded for review to the district leadership. This report is now being reviewed by the district leadership for approval. Once the report is accepted, the status of the project will be changed to "Completed".

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Fort Collins (Foothills) (5440)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Janet Peterson

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Janet Peterson

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Janet Peterson

System Entry: Project signed by Janet Peterson.


by Carl Dierschow

System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Carl Dierschow added to the list of signatories.


by Carl Dierschow

System Entry: Project signed by Carl Dierschow.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Carl Dierschow

This project is in budget and in our plan for this coming December. We're having the early planning discussions with Food Bank.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Randall Looper


Please provide a quarterly history log update.



by Lisa Dunne

Confirmed project dates with Larimer County Food Bank. Dates are set for December 15th assembly of Holiday Baskets and December 16th delivery of Holiday Baskets.


by Lisa Dunne

Rotary Club of Fort Collins Foothills final report for Holiday Meals/ Holiday Baskets.


by Randall Looper

Lisa the financials in your final report do not balance with the receipts you have listed and the income does not equal the expenses. You have income of $5,905.38 and expenses of $2,647.80 and the orignal grant request was $3,500. Also you have safeway receipts = $2,524.72 but list it as $2,416.00. Based on your receipts I see expenses of $2,756.24. Did you spend the revenue of $5,905.38? If you did I need to see receipts or club checks showing that. If you didn't than some of the grant money needs to be returned. Please call me at 970-629-0654 or email me at elkruninn@yahoo.com so we can figure this out.



by Randall Looper


I can't close this grant until the income and expenses balance.



by Lisa Dunne

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.

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