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   India - Mumbai (D3140 area)

Make Blindness History 1


This is an Avoidable Blindness Project. It embraces the provision of eye equipment to screen for early diagnosis, & treatment of serious eye detectable conditions within the area covered by D3140

The Rotarians Ophthalmic Initiative (ROI) programme supports WHA, IAPB, RAGBP and Vison 2020 programmes by helping to eradicate avoidable blindness by the year 2020, It addresses our clubs' & supporting Districts' collective vision to help 'make blindness history' for many. It supports the Goals outlined by Vision 2020 (India)

India has the second highest percentage of blind people, after Africa in the world. D3140, located in the NW of Mumbai is densely populated containing some 2.5m inhabiltants. In 2004 the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Mumbai conducted a baseline survey covering 12,479 households in the tribal blocks of Thane district: It found that 28.4% of the population had a vision disability. Without early intervention, it is estimated that some 27,000 persons will go blind in the District each year.

The project, in part, looks to provide low cost ophthalmoscopes and training for volunteers to screen people in their local communities prior to referral to an ophthalmic specialist. The portable ophthalmoscope will accelerate early diagnoses of both detectable eye conditions, such as cataract, as well as other life threatening conditions, such as impending diabetes, heart desease, brain tumours and cerebral malaria.

The project also looks to fund cataract surgery. The Host club of Mumbai Borivali East has experience in managing projects of this type. It has already organised and sponsored free cataract, with IOL surgeries for some 500 people.

In summary, the project will:

 Train & engage representatives of local communities in eye screening proces. It is anticipated that at least 5,000 people, mainly children will be screened during the initial life of the project.

 Provide the local communities with some 80 low cost, lens free ophthalmoscopes, as well as a Slit lamp and Applanation Tonometer for use at the Medical Centre in AshokVan.

 Fund some 500 cataract & IOL surgeries, free of charge to recipients.

Timescales: Subject to approval of the project, both Host and International partners will plan and monitor completion of the whole within 6 months of commencement.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Mumbai Borivali East

District: 3140

Primary Contact: Girish Mittal


Check all projects from: [District 3140] [Mumbai Borivali East Rotary Club] [Girish Mittal]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Stevenage Grange

District: 1260

Primary Contact: Stephen Sypula


Check all projects from: [District 1260] [Stevenage Grange Rotary Club] [Stephen Sypula]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Mumbai Borivali East


District 3140 DDF


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Stevenage Grange


District 1260 DDF


Additional Rotary Clubs/Districts

Blindness Prevention Donor Advised Fund (DAF)


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2007-08 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #64699.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Agne Jankauskaite (

This is the 1st MG Grant to be submitted by the Rotarians Ophthalamic Initiative (ROI) to help make blindness history.

Further funding opportunities for eye-care projects may be available to suitable hosts in less developed countries.

It is a condition of support that host clubs/Districts are willing to help arrange training and distribution of low cost, lens free ophthalmoscopes, imported from the UK to help remote communities and locations undertake mass eye screening for cataract and other degenerative conditions. Please contact for further information or visit

<12-Oct-07> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<12-Oct-07> System Entry
This project qualifies for a $2,000 contribution from the Blindness Prevention Donor Advised Fund (DAF).

<16-Oct-07> by Stephen
The 1st MG application under the 'Make blindness history' banner has been submitted

<20-Oct-07> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<21-Nov-07> by Stephen Sypula
MG No 64699 was fully approved by TRF Trustees on 16th November 2007

<21-Nov-07> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<3-Aug-08> by Stephen Sypula
I am advised by the Host Club that the project is progressing nicely. Indeed procurement cost savings will enable it to achieve more than originally planned.

<25-Nov-08> by Stephen
An interim report was submitted in August which was cetified to be compliant by TRF on 12/8/2008

<5-Mar-09> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".