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Application Form







   Mexico - Tijuana

Missionary School Van


The sisters who teach at Santa Rosa de Lima School in Tijuana, Mexico are in need of a means of tranportation to attend continuing education classes at Universidad Nacional de Pedagogia. they also need transportation to attend meetings at the Distric Office of Education to ensure compliance with zone requirements mandated by the state of Baja California. They also require transportation for visits to doctors, dentists, and various shopping needs.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Ensenada Calafia

District: 4100

Primary Contact: M. Ofelia Diaz Perea


Check all projects from: [District 4100] [Ensenada Calafia Rotary Club] [M. Ofelia Diaz Perea]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Coronado

District: 5340

Primary Contact: Ron Vernetti


Check all projects from: [District 5340] [Coronado Rotary Club] [Ron Vernetti]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Ensenada Calafia


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Coronado


District 5340 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2007-08 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #64653.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Mireya Dominguez (

<22-Jun-07> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<17-Sep-07> by Brennan Pate
Application is in Mexico and waiting for signatures before being returned to Ron. Budget numbers are correct.

<11-Oct-07> by Brennan Pate
Only waiting for DRFC signature before sending off.

<15-Oct-07> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<8-Nov-07> by Brennan Pate
TRF's Ken Miller concerned with the appearance that van was intended more for the nuns at the school, than the children. Father John Tasto and Dan Gensler wrote to Ken to expand on the proposed uses for the van.

<12-Nov-07> by Brennan Pate
A revised first page of the application to focus the project on the children was sent to Mireya Dominguez, via email, per her request.

<12-Nov-07> by Brennan Pate
Mireya Dominguez wrote that she received the revised info and would move the application forward.

<19-Dec-07> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<29-Jan-08> by Brennan Pate
Waiting for proof of deposit of host club's funds so that it can be forwarded to TRF.

<7-Feb-08> by Brennan Pate
Emailed payee information form for MG 64653 and a bank statement from the Ensenada Calafia club, showing that their contribution is available in their club’s bank account, to Mireya Dominguez. Waiting for funds to be sent to Coronado club account for project funding.

<29-Feb-08> by Brennan Pate
Ramiro Zuniga and Dan Gensler have been cooresponding with Mireya Dominguez to determine if is acceptable for the host club to bring cash to the int'l club and have them deposit the funds into the project account.

<29-Feb-08> by Brennan Pate
Mireya Morales (Dominguez)suggested that Ensenada Calafia submit their contribution to TRF utilizing the same method that is used when the club submits their dues. If that is not possible, then Ramiro Zuniga can forward the funds to the Coronado club by money order or cashier's check.

<12-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Project bank account was opened by Coronado club, initially funded with Ensenada's $100 contribution and proof of deposit and contribution forms were emailed to Mireya Dominguez.

<14-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Mireya emailed to confirm receipt of the copy of the deposit transaction from the Ensenada Rotary Club and the Payee Form with the new project account. The grant file is currently being processed for payment. The grant funds will be sent via wire transfer to the project account and should arrive within 2-3 weeks.

<19-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Received notice from Mireya stating that finance department requires additional detail on 'taxes, licensing, and fees' that were listed on the budget, before funds can actually be sent. Ron Vernetti will contact Father John and Ofelia to get the necessary details.

<25-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Talked to Ofelia about the tax and licensing issue. She said that the rate would be 10% ($2,750) on the vehicle purchase cost and the remainder ($186)for the licensing fees. Ofelia attempted twice to email the info to Mireya but the emails came through as blanks so I emailed Mireya the above details.

<26-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Mireya emailed that the information should be sufficient and she will forward the grant file to the Finance Department for payment.

<29-Jul-08> System Entry
Mireya Morales sent an email indicating that the final report had been received and that the Foundation would mark the file closed. Grant status changed to "Completed"