Project Description
Country: USA
Location: Oceanside
Total Budget:
Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy
Activity Type:
Education: General
Summary: Provide Confidence Code books, 3-ring binders and food & drinks for Diabetes prevention lesson to a new cohort of Hermanitas in Oceanside
Hermanitas is the name of a mentoring program of MANA, a National Latina organization. The North County chapter of MANA will be starting a new cohort of Hermanitas at Cesar Chavez Middle School in Oceanside. The girls they mentor are all Latina and will be first generation college students. They have good potential (they are screened for grades), but they need guidance and encouragement in order to achieve their goal of a college education and a career. The girls each need a copy of the book "Confidence Code for Girls" and a 3-ring binder. MANA teaches diabetes prevention lessons to the girls and their parents so they need to purchase specific types of snacks and drinks so the girls and parents can taste healthy snacks and drinks as part of the lesson. We will be purchasing 40 binders, 40 copies of the book ($12.00 each) and healthy snacks and drinks for both the girls and their parents
Project Contact Person
Project Status
This project is "Signed". This means that the signatures from the club leadership have been collected. This project is now being reviewed by the district leadership for approval. Once a decision is made, the status of the project will be changed to "Approved".
Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.