
Casa para Pobres Desamparados





History Logs

Project Description

Country: Mexico

Location: La Rumorosa, Baja Califor

Total Budget: $1,700

Areas of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Community economic development

Activity Type: Health: General

Summary: Building materials for the exterior walls, local labor costs, and facilities improvements materials such as a new electrical box.

The home for abandoned seniors is in a remote area, well off the main road of La Rumorosa, Mexico. Water is trucked in and stored in a large tank. However, pipes from the tank to the home leaked in several areas. Club members repaired the leaks. They also tackled a ramshackle fuse box. We didn't stop there. In addition to installing an electric water heater, club members rebuilt a laundry and installed an industrial strength washer and dryer. It took a great amount of work and coordination but gave the members a tremendous source of pride. The laundry room project alone reminded the members of how much for granted we take the availability of basic infrastructure such as working utilities. Whenever the power goes out in the small municipality, which is not unusual, the electric water heater must be reset. Our project for 2024-2025 is to help the seniors home continue work on a geriatric center, which will help better treat the various diseases the seniors are battling: diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's/Dementia--even Guillaume Barr syndrome

Project Contact Person

District: 5340

Rotary Club of: Chula Vista-Eastlake

Primary Contact: Mauricio Torres

Email: mtorressan81@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Signed". This means that the signatures from the club leadership have been collected. This project is now being reviewed by the district leadership for approval. Once a decision is made, the status of the project will be changed to "Approved".

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Chula Vista-Eastlake (5340)









DDF contributions in grey are pending approval of the corresponding district committee.

Project Supporting Documents

DDF account


Project Photos

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Go to the administration page to upload photos.

History Log Entries


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project signed by Mauricio Torres.


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Mauricio Torres

System Entry: Project signed by Mauricio Torres.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Samuel Hernandez.

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online