Project Description
Country: USA
Location: Ramona
Total Budget:
Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy
Activity Type:
Education: General
Summary: International to sponsor a child with Colectivo Costero
This program was recommended by Ron Kohl to contact to The Mision Rotary down in Mexico that recommended this charity that pays for a child living in a low income area that can not afford to pay for their child to be able to go to school and obtain an education. Its a scholarship that allow them to obtain an education, grow and develop. Check will be made payable to Colectivo Costero. We did this project last year and are proud to continue to help in this area.
Project Contact Person
Project Status
This project is "Signed". This means that the signatures from the club leadership have been collected. This project is now being reviewed by the district leadership for approval. Once a decision is made, the status of the project will be changed to "Approved".
Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.