
Reading is Fun Literacy Grant





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Vista, CA

Total Budget: $6,000

Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: Education: Literacy

Summary: Rotarians will read books to all first grade classes in the Vista Unified School District and give each student their own copy of the book to take home and share wth their family.

Early reading proficiency is the single most important factor in the long-term success of students and is the preeminent goal of the Vista Unified School District (VUSD). The project targets are all elementary schools in VUSD (covering both Vista and parts of Oceanside). While average SES levels differ across schools in VUSD, every elementary school has a significant population of students who are English Language Learners and/or come from low SES families. First grade students will be the beneficiaries of this program as ultimate recipients of a book of their own after a classroom reading session conducted by members of the Rotary Club of Vista. This program was offered for many years by the Tri-City Rotary Club (formerly named the Vista Hi-Noon Rotary Club), which merged with the Rotary Club of Vista effective July 1, 2020. The program has been conducted by the merged club since 2021 and will be done by the merged club in the future.

Developing interest and competence in reading must start at an early age and VUSD enrolls an unusually high proportion of English as a Second Language students as well as students from families living below the poverty level. This necessitates intensive reading intervention programs at early grade levels. This grant allows our club to support these intervention efforts through classroom reading and individual student ownership of books. The grant, taking advantage of discounted availability of books, enables us to serve approximately 1,250 first grade students. Our program involves local Rotarians reading and distributing books to all students in VUSD first grade classrooms. For many of these students, it is either the first book they have owned themselves or one of the few books in their home. Target dates for reading and distribution of books are October 2024 through November 2024.

Prior to starting the classroom reading sessions, our club conducts a "sticker party" in which club members and community supporters place a sticker in the front of each book, designating that it is donated by the Rotary Club of Vista. Book selection and purchase is coordinated by Vista Teachers' Association personnel who are also members of our club. We purchase books through the Dickerson Literacy Initiatives LLC, at a substantial discount from market prices. The books that are selected are always among the most popular books for early readers and they are hard bound, high quality products.

We have offered this program for many years and because of the success of our previous efforts, the teachers and administrators in VUSD are totally committed to supporting us to ensure project success. VUSD administrators and the President and Secretary of the Vista Teachers' Association are members of our club and take leadership in project implementation. Attached are pictures of classroom reading sessions from the 2023-24 project, as well as a picture from our club "sticker party." Because it's not feasible to obtain photo release permissions for all students, student faces are blurred in all photos.

Project Contact Person

District: 5340

Rotary Club of: Vista

Primary Contact: Steve Lilly

Email: stevelilly0831@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Signed". This means that the signatures from the club leadership have been collected. This project is now being reviewed by the district leadership for approval. Once a decision is made, the status of the project will be changed to "Approved".

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Vista (5340)









DDF contributions in grey are pending approval of the corresponding district committee.

Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Steve Lilly

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Steve Lilly

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Steve Lilly

System Entry: Project signed by Steve Lilly.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Daryl McFarland.

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