
Corpus Christi House Computer





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Boise

Total Budget: $3,884

Area of Focus: Community economic development

Activity Type: Community Development: General

Summary: Eight computers for Corpus Christi House serving the homeless in Boise, ID

The current computers are outdated and no longer meet the needs of the organization or those it serves. Corpus Christi House is a daytime drop-in homeless shelter, providing meals, bathing & laundry facilities, in addition to internet access. We plan to purchase 8 computers and wired mice.

Cost per computer $435 total $3,480

Cost per mouse $7.29 total $58.08

Cost for 8 cable locks $125.96

Tax 219.84

Total $3884

For the service we will be preparing meals that will be served by CCH.

Project Contact Person

District: 5400

Rotary Club of: Boise East

Primary Contact: Laura paige

Email: paige.50760@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Paid". This means that the funds from the district have been issued. This project is now being ready for implementation. When this is done, a report needs to be uploaded on the project page and the "Reported" button needs to be clicked, then the status of the project will be changed to "Reported".

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Boise East (5400)









Project Supporting Documents

Cable locks

Computer price

Mouse price


Project Photos

There are no photos yet for this project.
Go to the administration page to upload photos.

History Log Entries


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Marianne Barker

The grant manager (primary contact person) must be someone in the club other than the president-elect. Please edit your application to put someone else in that position. Thank you!


by Cody Walgamott

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Cody Walgamott

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Cody Walgamott

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Cody Walgamott

System Entry: Project signed by Cody Walgamott.


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Project signed by Laura paige.


by Marianne Barker

The Rotary Foundation approved the District 5400 block grant on July 11, 2024. We’ll send your grant award as soon as the block grant is funded by TRF. You can safely incur costs now. If you have questions or need help with reporting, please contact Marianne Barker at (208) 308-5617.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Marianne Barker

You should have received your grant by now. Please cash the check at your earliest convenience as confirmation of receipt.


by Marianne Barker

Your grant check was issued 7/26/24, a bank-drafted check mailed to your club's PO Box. Please check your box and confirm that you've received your grant. Thank you!

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